This year, Leo’s Pest Control is thrilled to lead you through an incredible natural event that mesmerizes Virginia and its surrounding areas. We are about to experience a unique phenomenon in nature, where history connects with the present via the mesmerizing chorus of cicadas. Diving into the enigma and allure of these insects, we encourage you to see this occurrence not merely as a spectacle but as an educational journey about our ecosystem and its rhythmic miracles. Embark with us to decode the mysteries of cicadas, from their fascinating life stages to their effects on our environment, and discover ways to live alongside these remarkable creatures.
How Rare Is This Natural Phenomenon?
The year 2024 is set to witness an uncommon natural spectacle in Virginia and adjacent states: the concurrent emergence of two cicada broods, a phenomenon not observed for over two centuries and not anticipated to occur again until 2245. This spectacular display, beginning in mid-May and concluding in late June, showcases the synchronization of two extensive broods.
Cicada Basics
Living most of their existence beneath the surface, cicadas only emerge to reproduce and conclude their lifecycle. They are known for their 17 or 13-year life cycles, aligning in a unique event that enlivens the summer ambiance with their vibrant sounds.
Why Is This Important?
Though cicadas pose no direct threat to humans, their large numbers during this time can jeopardize young foliage. Gaining knowledge about their ecological impact is crucial for devising strategies to protect our plant life, sidestepping the need for heavy pest control actions.
Dealing With Cicadas
Major extermination efforts against cicadas are unnecessary. Leo’s Pest Control suggests protective preventative measures, such as employing netting for the protection of young trees, to mitigate potential damage during this natural phenomenon.
Be Aware of Potential Cicada Urine Propulsion
During the remarkable period of cicada appearances, one should note an intriguing aspect: the propulsion of cicada urine. Cicadas, despite their diminutive stature, have the astonishing capability to eject liquids forcefully through diminutive apertures. Unlike other insects that feed on xylem and release urine in mere drops, cicadas can shoot it out at velocities of up to three meters per second, surpassing the expulsion speeds of some larger creatures. This distinct behavior stems from cicadas consuming vast amounts of xylem, which renders the expulsion of urine in drops energetically inefficient. Therefore, if you find yourself unexpectedly wet on a clear day amid cicada season, it’s likely due to a cicada’s rapid urine ejection from the trees overhead.
Looking Ahead
The cicada emergence this year goes beyond mere fascination; it serves as a reflection on the intricacies and cycles of nature. It presents a chance to watch and learn from an event that spans several generations, offering insights into the ecological world we inhabit.
Join Leo’s Pest Control in welcoming this incredible natural occurrence, acknowledging the cicada emergence as a testament to nature’s wonder, and anticipating the legacies that future generations will inherit.
Cicadas 2024: A Natural Spectacle Unfolds in Virginia in Bristol TN
Serving Tennessee & Virginia