What Attracts Mosquitoes?
There’s a reason why mosquitoes are frequently seen around areas with still or stagnant water: they require the water to reproduce! For this reason, mosquitoes are attracted to ponds, marshes, birdbaths, and other areas that you may have right in your backyard.
But what attracts mosquitoes to some people more than others? It is still a mystery why some people tend to be “mosquito magnets”, but research has shown that mosquitoes are attracted to certain blood types and your breath.
Why Do I Have Mosquitoes?
Where there is stagnant water in the spring or summertime, you’re likely to find mosquitoes. Unfortunately, mosquitoes will be drawn to a number of areas in your yard. Here in Bristol and Johnson City, birdbaths, gardens, ponds, playsets, gutters, pools, spas, and more. If they are able to locate standing water, they will happily use it to lay their eggs within. Mosquitoes are especially abundant in the warmer parts of the year, which is when you may see an increase in their activity in your yard starting in the late spring and continuing into the fall.
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Why Are Some People Mosquito Magnets?
There has always been confusion around what makes certain individuals susceptible to mosquito bites than others. The three main things that attract mosquitoes to humans are:
- Breath. Female mosquitoes possess long antennae and organs that are able to sense odor. These parts are attuned to carbon dioxide, which is produced when someone exhales. A high concentration of carbon dioxide can be detected by mosquitoes more than 150 feet away. This accounts for the initial attraction to humans nearby.
- Blood. We all possess the one thing mosquitoes need to survive: blood! Mosquitoes use their piercing proboscis to pierce our skin and suck the blood up. But are mosquitoes more attracted to people based on blood type? Researchers have demonstrated that, yes, individuals with Type O blood may be more susceptible to bites than those with Type A. In addition, scientists have concluded that genetic make-up can account for many of the factors that make someone more prone to mosquito bites.
- Scent. Research has shown that mosquitoes are more attracted to certain scents. Substances like uric acid, lactic acid, and ammonia released from the glands in your skin can attract mosquitoes. Those that have a higher body temperature or perspire more often are attractive to mosquitoes. Even floral fragrances and perfumes worn can be attractive to these insects.
Why Are Mosquitoes Attracted to My Bristol and Johnson City Home?
If your yard has become a haven for mosquitoes and someone in your family is a known “mosquito magnet”, spring and summertime can be a nightmare. To learn what makes your home attractive to mosquitoes—and to prevent them—it’s best to work with your local mosquito exterminators.
What Attracts Mosquitoes? in Bristol TN
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