How To Protect Your Pets From Ticks This Summer

Person checking for ticks on their dog

Playing outside in the summer sun can be a lot of fun for you and your furry friends. However, there’s one problem that can turn a great day outdoors into an itchy and unpleasant experience: ticks. These tiny pests may seem harmless, but they can cause a whole host of health issues for our pets. 

From Lyme disease to Rocky Mountain spotted fever, ticks can transmit a number of diseases to our dogs that can lead to long-term complications. Thankfully, there are several ways you can prevent ticks from latching onto your pets. To protect your dog from ticks this summer, follow these tips:

Perform Daily Tick Inspections

Every time you and your pets step outdoors, you run the risk of picking up a tick. A daily inspection can help you swiftly identify and remove these pests. After coming indoors, take a few minutes to check your dog’s fur for signs of ticks. Be sure to look in common hiding spots, such as between toes or inside of the ears. 

Avoid Tall Grass

Ticks love hanging out in grassy areas with a lot of dense vegetation, so be vigilant when venturing into the wilderness. Choose well-maintained paths and avoid letting your pup romp around in overgrown areas. To make your property less attractive to ticks and other pests, you can also keep your yard neat and tidy with regular mowing and landscaping. 

Regularly Bathe Your Pets

Regular baths are not just for fresh-smelling fur; they are also a way to battle against ticks. Use a mild dog-friendly shampoo to cleanse away any lurking critters. Remember to double-check for any ticks that may be hiding out while you wash your dog. 

Talk to Your Veterinarian

Veterinarians know which tick prevention products are safe for your pets and worth the investment. They can recommend effective repellents to keep ticks off your dog. Schedule a chat with your vet to discuss the best tick prevention options for your pet’s unique needs.

Call Leo’s Pest Control

If your property is under a tick siege, it is time to call in the professionals. Investing in expert tick extermination services can help get rid of these pests quickly and prevent them from coming back. At Leo’s, we’re proud to offer a satisfaction guarantee that ensures your property is pest-free* long-term.

Do not let ticks ruin your day or harm your dog’s health. Call Leo’s Pest Control today and say goodbye to those pesky parasites.

The Spring Swarms of Termite Season

close up of termites eating through wood

Spring is a beautiful time of the year, but it also brings some unwanted visitors to your home: swarming termites. Termites are wood-destroying insects that can cause severe damage to your property and compromise its structural integrity. Thus, it is crucial to understand what kind of termites swarm, why they swarm, and how to stop and control them.

Why Do Termites Swarm?

Termites swarm to reproduce and establish new colonies. Swarming is a natural phenomenon that occurs when a mature termite colony reaches a certain size and finds favorable environmental conditions. Swarming typically occurs in spring, but some termites in other regions may do it in summer or fall.

Winged termites emerge from their nests in large numbers and fly in search of mates and suitable locations to start new colonies. Light and moisture attract them, so they often swarm around windows, doors, lights, or vents. After finding a mate, they shed their wings and burrow into the soil or wood to lay eggs and form a new colony.

Which Termites Swarm?

Over 2,000 types of termites exist worldwide, and the U.S. has at least 50 of them. The eastern subterranean termite is the most prevalent type of termite that can invade your Bristol, Tennessee, house. This termite lives underground and feeds on wood and cellulose materials. It can build extensive tunnels and galleries to reach its food sources above ground. It can also enter your home through cracks or gaps in the foundation, walls, or floors.

Eastern subterranean termites swarm in spring, usually between March and May. They swarm during the day, especially after a warm rain. They have black or dark brown bodies and translucent wings that are twice as long as their bodies. They are about 1/4 inch long and look like flying ants.

How to Prevent and Control Termites

Swarming termites may indicate the presence of an active termite infestation close to your property. You must take immediate action to stop additional damage and protect your property. Here are tips to prevent and control termites:

  • Look for signs of termite activity, such as discarded wings, mud tubes, wood damage, or live or dead termites.
  • Eliminate any sources of moisture or wood contact around your home. 
  • Fix any leaks or drainage problems in your plumbing system. 
  • Keep gutters and downspouts clean and free of debris. Avoid stacking firewood or mulch near your foundation or siding.
  • Seal any openings or cracks in your foundation, walls, or floors. Use caulk, mesh, or steel wool to block potential termite entry points.
  • Inspect your home for any signs of termite activity or damage. Pay close attention to locations like porches, crawl spaces, attics, and basements susceptible to moisture or wood touch.

Call a Professional Exterminator

It is best to hire a professional if you suspect a termite infestation or want to prevent one. A professional exterminator can inspect your home thoroughly and identify the type and extent of the infestation. They can then apply the most appropriate treatment methods based on your situation and preferences.

Call Leo’s Pest Control Today

Termites are a significant threat to your peace of mind and your home. Do not let them ruin your spring season. If you need help with termite prevention or elimination in your home in Bristol, TN, contact us today. We offer free estimates and guaranteed results for all our pest control services.